紫陽花 挿し木 の 方法: A Comprehensive Guide to Propagating Hydrangeas - Nippongardening

紫陽花 挿し木 の 方法: A Comprehensive Guide to Propagating Hydrangeas - Nippongardening

| 2/17/2024, 6:57:12 PM

Learn the proper technique for propagating hydrangeas from cuttings, including the best time to take cuttings, selecting the right stems, preparing the cuttings, planting them, and providing aftercare.

Table of Contents

Welcome to Nippongardening, your ultimate resource for all things gardening in Japan. In this guide, we're going to delve into the art of 紫陽花 挿し木 の 方法, empowering you to propagate your own hydrangeas from cuttings and enjoy their stunning blooms for seasons to come. Whether you're a novice gardener or a seasoned pro, our comprehensive instructions will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring your success in creating beautiful, thriving hydrangeas.



When to Cut

Mid to late spring or early summer

Stem Selection

Healthy, disease-free stems with multiple sets of leaves

Cutting Preparation

Cut below a leaf node and remove bottom leaves


Create a hole with a dibber, insert the cutting, and firm the soil


Water regularly, mulch, and provide partial shade

Rooting Hormones

Optional to promote root growth

Rooting Time

Varies, but typically several weeks

I. 紫陽花 挿し木 の 時期















II. 紫陽花 挿し木 の 方法

When to Take Cuttings

The best time to take cuttings from hydrangeas is in mid to late spring or early summer, when the stems are soft and pliable. Avoid taking cuttings from woody or brittle stems, as they are less likely to root successfully.


Best Time


Mid to late spring


Early summer

Selecting the Right Cuttings

Choose healthy, disease-free stems with multiple sets of leaves. The stems should be about 6-8 inches long and have a few nodes, which are the points where roots will form. Avoid taking cuttings from stems that are too thin or too thick, as they are less likely to root successfully.

  • Healthy, disease-free stems
  • Multiple sets of leaves
  • 6-8 inches long
  • A few nodes

Preparing the Cuttings

Once you have selected the right cuttings, you need to prepare them for planting. First, remove the bottom leaves from the cuttings, leaving only the top two or three sets of leaves. Then, make a clean cut at the bottom of the cutting, just below a node.

  • Remove the bottom leaves
  • Make a clean cut at the bottom of the cutting
  • Just below a node

Planting the Cuttings

To plant the cuttings, you will need to create a hole in the soil that is about 6 inches deep. Place the cutting in the hole and firm the soil around it. Water the cutting well and keep it moist until it has rooted.



Create a hole

6 inches deep

Place the cutting

In the hole

Firm the soil

Around the cutting

Water the cutting


Keep it moist

Until it has rooted

Care After Planting

After you have planted the cuttings, you need to provide them with proper care to help them root and grow. Water the cuttings regularly, especially during the first few weeks after planting. You can also mulch around the cuttings to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

  • Water the cuttings regularly
  • Mulch around the cuttings
  • Help retain moisture
  • Suppress weeds

With proper care, your hydrangea cuttings should root and grow into new plants within a few weeks. You can then transplant them into your garden or keep them in pots.

Related posts: バラの挿し木 の 方法, ソテツの種, アガベ 専門 店

III. 紫陽花 Propagating From Cuttings

When to Take Cuttings

Mid to late spring or early summer is typically when hydrangeas are actively growing and sprouting new shoots. Cuttings taken during this period will naturally contain more growth hormones. These hormones play a crucial role in stimulating root development and promoting successful rooting. To determine if a cutting is ready to be taken, gently bend it. A healthy cutting will snap cleanly, indicating it possesses sufficient maturity and energy to develop roots.

Selecting the Right Cuttings

Choosing healthy, vigorous stems increases the likelihood of successful rooting. Look for stems that are at least 6 inches long and have several sets of leaves. Avoid stems that are weak, diseased, or have signs of pests or damage. Select stems that are not flowering, as flowering can divert energy away from root growth.

Preparing the Cuttings

Before planting the cuttings, prepare them by removing the lower leaves from the bottom 2 to 3 inches of the stem. This will create a clean area for the roots to form. You can also choose to dip the cuttings in a rooting hormone. Rooting hormones are available at most garden centers and can help promote root growth.

Planting the Cuttings

To plant the cuttings, fill a container with a well-draining potting mix. Make a hole in the soil with a dibber or pencil and insert the cutting into the hole. Firm the soil around the cutting to secure it in place. It is essential to water the cuttings regularly to keep the soil moist but not soggy.



When to Cut

Mid to late spring or early summer

Stem Selection

Healthy, disease-free stems with multiple sets of leaves

Cutting Preparation

Cut below a leaf node and remove bottom leaves


Create a hole with a dibber, insert the cutting, and firm the soil


Water regularly, mulch, and provide partial shade

Rooting Hormones

Optional to promote root growth

Rooting Time

Varies, but typically several weeks

Care After Planting

After planting the cuttings, provide them with proper care to encourage root development and growth. Keep the soil moist but not soggy by watering regularly. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Place the cuttings in a location with bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and hinder growth. Partial shade is ideal for hydrangeas. You may also consider mulching around the cuttings to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.Here are some related posts that you may find helpful:* [紅葉 壁面 飾り](https://nippongardening.com/紅葉-壁面-飾り/)* [花壇 おしゃれ 雑貨](https://nippongardening.com/花壇-おしゃれ-雑貨/)* [バンクシア 種類](https://nippongardening.com/バンクシア-種類/)

IV. 紫陽花 挿し木 の 注意点

  • 挿し穂に適さない部分から取った場合、発根が難しいです。
  • 葉っぱが小さい、もしくは成長し過ぎていないか確認しましょう。
  • 挿し穂の切り口を水に浸け、空気が入らないように注意しましょう。バラの挿し木はこちら

品種により異なりますが、発根するまでには数週間から数ヶ月かかります。 根が出たかどうか確かめたい場合は、茎を軽く引っ張ってみてください。抵抗があれば根が出ています。

  • 挿し木が水に浸かってしまうと、腐ってしまうので注意しましょう。
  • 発根させる時の水は、水道水ではなく、カルキを抜いた水を使用しましょう。多肉植物エケベリアはこちら
  • 水を変えるのを忘れずに、清潔な水に入れ替えるようにしましょう。

V. Conclusion

With patience and proper care, propagating hydrangeas from cuttings is a rewarding endeavor that allows you to create beautiful new plants for your garden. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully propagate hydrangeas and enjoy their vibrant blooms for years to come. Remember to choose healthy stems, prepare the cuttings correctly, plant them in well-draining soil, and provide proper aftercare. With a little effort, you can easily propagate hydrangeas from cuttings and add a touch of floral beauty to your outdoor space.